All tagged history of garment tags

The Tag Tutorial

Once upon a time, not so long ago, my husband mumbled a question to me in the wee hours of an early in the morning. I am a night owl, so I did not remember anything he was asking me. Although, a few words I vaguely heard, something about his new suits and its tags. Fast forward a few weeks and he was trying suits on at a store I worked at. I hear him ask the men's sales associate I worked with, "Jen told me to leave these manufacturers tags on right?", an innocent question from a rookie suit guy. There were a few moments of silence and some chuckles and then all eyes were on me.

The "Witches Hat"

Happy Halloween my fellow style historians! I thought this would be the perfect time to share the story of the witches hat. Have you wondered where the witches hat originated from?

I think the most intriuging fact is that this hat was born from folklore. There are stories about witches keeping organs inside of their hats and using for magical spells. Old Stories claim witches were only meant for evil and the hat was used to intensify their scary appearance. Good thing it's all fiction.