Coach or Cliche?

It was the holiday shopping season in 2004 and I fell in love with the most beautiful patchwork Coach tote. My mom wanted me to have the bag because it was so '"me."

We saved the money and I was very proud to carry that bag. It felt like I was walking around with a new baby, you know the feeling? I retired the bag after a short while because I saw a lot of people with my very same bag, it was everywhere. Why? Fast forward to today, that patchwork bag exploded all over the place. I would even spot "knock-offs", which is reassurance that everyone would own my tote or similar. I felt myself getting sick over Coach and hated looking at the 'Cs' all over the bag . Did people even know what those 'Cs' meant? When Guess came out with a similar version and put 'Gs' all over would they notice the difference? How did this trend get so out of control and did people know what they were really buying?

History of the Backpack

I was telling a colleague that I was thinking about purchasing a backpack. Mind you, I am very careful about my handbag purchases. It was well thought out and I wasn't drinking. Her response? You a backpack? I can't let you do it. I chuckled and responded yes a backpack, "clearly you missed that Valentino designed one recently". We had a fun debate over whether or not it was okay to jump on the "backpack" bandwagon. I had to remind her that I was in fact correct about my backpack claims. The ironic thing is that the next day I received an e-mail from Saks Fifth Avenue backing up my claims that backpacks were indeed okay to tote around. Thanks Saks!

The Story Behind Flip Flops

While it might be obvious as to why thong sandals are called "flip flops" or if you are like my two year old daughter she calls them "beep bops".

They earned their name by the sound they make as you walk, "flip" and "flops". My burning question though, is who thought of creating a thong sandal? How did they come about?

Honestly, I've gotten more blisters from flip-flops than any other shoe, but why do I keep wearing them? From college shower shoes, after a grueling workout, quickly grabbing the mail, or dressed up for work are a few of the many occasions. The answer is simple, flip-flops have a long and rich history. Yes, there is history and style in a thong sandal!

The Sole of Sperry's

You've heard everyone talkng about Sperry shoes and have seen them for sale at your favorite retailer. From sequins, to calf hair, and even tiny enough to fit a newborn, Sperry's have come in all sorts of styles and variations. The feature that is often missed besides the fact that they are cute, is they actually serve a useful purpose. Yes that's right a shoe thats serves a useful and has a life saving feature. The soles in all Sperry shoes are non slip and by all means a real life boat shoe. Here's the timeline of how the Sperry story unfolds...

My Nanny in the New Yorker?

I have always been drawn to fashion and obsessed with it's history. I am not sure where it came from because no one in my family is into it, but my dad says I that I get it from him. I enjoy discovering traces of fashion in my own family history and enjoyed exploring this mysterious photo.My grandfather passed away seven years ago in Ennis, Montana which also happens to be his place of birth. Ennis was his favorite town because it was filled with lots of family, great memories, and beautiful scenery. His parents lived there and he was very close with his mother who was well known in the community. We had fanastic experiences when we vacationed as children. Unfortunately, the last time we were there was to lay him to rest. Over seven years ago I saved this photo when we went through his belongings. I didn't remember a lot about my great grandmother but I loved this picture of her. So, I tucked it away until I was looking for artwork to put in our office.